My First Day of College
My first class, Psyc 1. How appropriate. I do plan on majoring in Psyc. My professor, whose name I will not disclose for purposes of privacy, is--i think--really good at his job. Experienced, anal retinsive, tough even, but really good. I'm going to enjoy his class.
Tis, this day has not come to a close for me.
I am but a class away from insanity
A woman studies course
Of which the first text reads
"young feminist and the new feminism"
Lipstick lesbians,
I will no doubt see...
Not that I have a problem with that. I'm probably over-exaggerating anyway. I just don't want to get sucked into a typhoon of man bashers. I mean, I love men.
I'll let you know how it went.