My Deepizm

"This is poetry as illumination, for it is through poetry that we give name to those ideas which are-until the poem -- nameless and formless, about to be birthed, but already felt. That distillation of experience from which true poetry springs births thought as dream births concept, as feeling births idea, as knowledge births (precedes) understanding" Audre Lorde, "Poetry is Not a Luxury" Sister Outsider (1984)

Friday, July 28, 2006

I Say Goddamn

Have you ever had one of those moments when all you can say is... "Goddamn." The instantaneous nature of the way the moment comes into fruition causes the outburst--if it is an outburst--some can hold it in, but for some the moment is too catalysitc of the "Goddamn" that there is very little they can do to stop it from breeching their lips. For instance, let's say you see someone who is too attractive for real words. You might look, even get caught in their gaze, and on the inside you say "goddamn, i didn't know they made people that good looking anymore" or something to that effect. Maybe you don't say "Goddamn," that particular explicative isn't for you, but I guarantee you say something else in it's place. You might say, "Golly Gee," "Oh my," "Oh my damn," or the simple, the classic, the "Wow."

Rather random, I know. But I had some "Goddamn" moments yesterday, and they were the internal ones--I couldn't actually say them out loud--but "i say goddamn."