My Deepizm

"This is poetry as illumination, for it is through poetry that we give name to those ideas which are-until the poem -- nameless and formless, about to be birthed, but already felt. That distillation of experience from which true poetry springs births thought as dream births concept, as feeling births idea, as knowledge births (precedes) understanding" Audre Lorde, "Poetry is Not a Luxury" Sister Outsider (1984)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The End of Yet Another Hump Day

Hola Familia,

It's approximately 5:17 on yet another hump day. Now I know that some of you are still in the office, some of you are still in class. Others are on their way to Tanika n'em house to go see about they cousin, and others of you are slaving over yet another paper that's due in 5 minutes. Whatever you may be doing and where ever you are on these highways and byways, I simply ask you to take a brief moment to yourself... Reflect on all the other Wednesday's you've gotten through in the past (I've gotten through approximately 1072) and be thankful that, by some grace and some prayer, you'll make it through this one too. Oh, and don't forget to stop by the store to pick up some milk and bread. And don't forget to send out that e-mail to the staff about that meeting next week. And for the last time will you please return your sisters phone call and call your Auntee cause it is her birthday, and tell Dre n'em don't be coming 'round your house no more acting crazy, and did you check blackboard for that outline that you had to do? Oh, and make sure you go up to the registrars office by 5 tomorrow. I think your mother called. Oh and don't forget to... :) smile

"Words mean more than what is set down on paper. It takes the human voice to infuse them with shades of deeper meaning." Maya Angelou